SuperSA Triple S fund selection changes
Feb 13, 2025
For those who have worked in the South Australian Government before or know someone that has – you might have heard of SuperSA Triple S Scheme which is the default superannuation account for new employees in the SA Government. Although this news I am about to share has been around for a few years now – there are still a lot of new client enquiries I get who aren’t aware of the changes.
Essentially previously to 30th of November 2022, if you were employed by the SA State Government, they had to contribute your employer super contributions to the Triple S scheme. So, for example if you were a nurse working 3 days per week for the SA Government and then 2 days per week in the private sector, you would essentially need to carry two superannuation funds. However as per their notice that was communicated back in September 2022 (see here) from the 30th of November 2022 onwards, employees now have more choices.
One of the changes that are now available is that being an SA Government employee – your SA Government contributions don’t have to go towards your Triple S account now and you can choose any other complying accumulation fund. Now this can be a benefit in some scenarios so you aren’t carrying multiple super funds. However, it is important to review your individual situation as there are other things to consider like personal insurances you might have in either fund, or the fact also the Triple S account is still a Constitutionally Protected Fund with different concessional contribution limits not available in a “normal” super fund.